New garden design in West Norwood
We’re delighted to have completed a new garden design project in South East London.
The design was, in part, inspired by plants, white in flower, to be at their best during early spring or autumn. Various other requirements were of importance such as fragrance by the kitchen wall/window, groundcover and to fit into a romantic and traditional planting scheme.
Planting preview
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Nivalis’
The commonly known as Japanese Quince, It’s an early flowering, deciduous, spiny shrub. The white flowers appear in spring and are followed by green-yellow fruits.
Chaenomeles like the sun but are ok in partial shade. If required, place the plant by a fence for shelter.
Inline with the brief, the plant flowers in early spring, displaying white blooms, positioned on the outside wall of the office, so the radiant white flowers can be appreciated from a number of perspectives in the garden and inside the house.
Libertia grandiflora
The commonly known as New Zealand Satin Flower, Libertia is a clump-forming perennial with Iris like evergreen foliage.
The white flowers appear on firm stalks in early summer, offers the option of winter interest if required.
A versatile choice for the traditional garden as well as modern schemes, but keep a keen eye out for snails, as they have a particular preference for the young flowers.
The plant enjoys full sun but can tolerate light shade.
Rosa ‘White Flower Carpet’
Rosa ‘ White Flower Carpet’ is a ground cover rose that has elegantly adapted to this garden.
This rose is a reliable and long flowering plant. The glossy leaves set off the mass of white flowers beautifully.
Continious lightly fragranced flowers from summer into autumn.
Wisteria sinensis ‘Alba’
The Wisteria was chosen to cover the outside kitchen wall offering a view from the outdoor office.
This specific cultivar is wonderfully fragranced and recommended for those wishing to grow in containers, displaying beautiful pure white flowers from May until June.