Front Garden & Drive
West Norwood, South East London
The emphisis of the brief for this SuDS compliant front garden was practicality – housing a parking area and plenty of space for storage and recycling.
Light and soft colours reflect the theme of the house. Dove Limestone Gravel compliments the charcoal colour of the permeable pavers used for the new path as well and edging.
The pathway leading to the front door is edged with a Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ hedge providing a strong aesthetic and a substantial source of nectar for local bees.
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Silver Queen’ hedges soften the views dividing the parking space and house.
The existing cherry tree was replaced with a Prunus ‘Kursar’, displaying resplendent double pink cherry blossom during the spring period.
Over time the side fences will be coated with pink blooms of Rosa glauca (sunlit area), and with the white flower heads of Hydrangea seemannii (shaded area).
This lightly planted garden displays all year interest, requiring low-maintenance throughout the year, in-line with the client’s request.